How Much is Invisalign in Turkey?
How Much is Invisalign in Turkey? in Antalya / Turkey
Invisalign treatments tend to be more expensive than their traditional counterparts; the cost depends on a number of factors including tooth movement during treatment and any associated additional procedures that may be required as part of the treatment plan. Some key contributors that will influence the costs associated with Invisalign include the length of treatment (up to 24 months in most cases) as well as factors that will influence this cost such as orthodontic brace adjustment needs and dental plan requirements (key factors that will influence costs such as these could include orthodontic alignment issues that arise over time). How much alignment your teeth require, what type of aligners and adjustments are required are all important considerations.
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those happy moments
Alina came from London to DentArma Antalya/TR for a wonderful smile and returned home very happy :)
The energy of the new teeth is driving us to do such things
Sending my clients home safe and happy is part of our treatment process
Thank you for your valuable feedback, it was a pleasure working with you, goodbye Ben McPherson
The new teeth look great on her, we'll leave it to Michael Killey to have the final say